Monday, September 16, 2013

Unexpected Hiatus

Sorry about that

Took an unexpected leave from updating this blog, but I don't think anyone is following it yet so it's not like it really matters. 


The paperwork for renewing the FIU Cycling Club's status with the school has been finalized and will be turned in tomorrow at the earliest! 
Following this, we should establish a day to meet as well as determine a day to possibly have a club ride together, at least to get the wheels spinning on this thing.

(Almost) always open

Remember the shop is open weekdays from 12-5PM so pass by for any questions regarding the club or cycling in general. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The New Bike Shop

Finally! A Logo!

So as I mentioned in the post before, we're in the process of creating new logos for the FIU Bike Shop and FIU Cycling Club. This is the new logo for the shop. Simple, neat, and to the point. 

Soon we will be using this for our publicity (Stickers, flyers, posters, etc.) so you will probably be seeing it a lot more in the coming months. Hope you like it!